
Showing posts from September, 2020

Geographical Indications Rules Amended in India

O n 28th August 2020, Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Amendment rules, 2020 have been notified by the Ministry of Commerce and Industries. As per the amended rules: application for the authorized user registration under a registered Geographical Indications can be” made by the Producer in Form GI-3”, which shall be accompanied by the statement of the case to establish how the applicant claims to be the producer of that partic ular registered Geographical Indications. Whereas previous rule states that “Application for the Authorized user “shall be made jointly by the registered proprietor and the proposed authorized user in Form GI-3”. Impact of the Amended Rules: With this New Amendment to Rule 56 of Geographical Indications, we can expect an increase in the authorized user registrations for Geographical Indications, and Time also will be saved by the Authorized users as previously they need to wait for No objections from the Registered Proprietor to rec