Geographical Indications/Appellations of Origin : WIPO Magazine

About geographical indications and appellations of origin: 

Geographical indications (GIs) and appellations of origin (AOs) are distinctive signs that inform consumers about the origin of a product and indicate that its special features are attributable essentially to its place of production. An AO implies that production, processing, and preparation take place within a defined geographical area and that the qualities and characteristics of a product derive exclusively or essentially from its geographical environment, including natural and human factors. To qualify for protection as an AO, the link with the place of origin must be stronger than that required for GI protection.

While AOs and GIs are internationally accepted terms, countries use various terms within their national laws to provide the same or similar legal protection.

If well managed, geographical indications (GIs) and appellations of origin (AOs) can support product branding, rural livelihoods, and economic development. These distinctive signs indicate a connection between the quality, characteristics, and reputation of goods and their geographical origin. Recognizing their potential to create value, policymakers in many countries are promoting their use to help advance national economic development objectives.

POTENTIAL BENEFITS of GI/AO:The legal, economic, social, and political dimensions of GIs make them a useful element in promoting regional development. GIs can play an important role in preserving local traditions and knowledge; they can support livelihoods; increase opportunities for value creation and employment; and can generate environmental benefits through effective stewardship of local resources.

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