GI Tagged Rice - Bulletin on Geographical Tagged Rice varieties in India

Geographical Indications (GI) Tag is given to Agricultural, Manufactured or natural goods originating from specific territory, and the quality of such products are due to the conditions in that particular geographical areas.

In  India there are about 15 varieties of Rice granted Geographical Indications tag till date,

GI Bulletin on Rice varieties as follows :


1) Navara Rice  - from Kerala 

2) Palakkadan Matta Rice  from kerala 

3) Pokkali Rice  from Kerala 

4) Wayanad Jeerakasala Rice  from Kerala 

5) Wayanad Gandhakasala Rice from Kerala 

6) Kalanamak Rice  from UP 

7) Kaipad Rice from Kerala 

8) Joha Rice Of Assam  from Assam 

9) Ajara Ghansal Rice from Maharastra 

10) Ambemohar Rice from Maharastra 

11) Tulaipanji Rice from West Bengal

12) Gobindabhog Rice from West Bengal 

13) Katarni Rice  from Bihar  

14) Basmati from India (Punjab / Haryana/Himachal Pradesh/Delhi/Uttarkhand / Parts of Western Uttar Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir)

15) Jeera Pool rice from the state of Chhattisgarh*
                                                                                (* Jeera Pool Secured GI tag status in March 2019 )


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