Karnataka - State with Highest Number of GI Tagged Products in India.

Geographical Indications (GI) tag is given to the products which has unique characteristics which resulted from the various factors in that particular geographical area.

Factors like soil, climatic conditions , landscape of that area , traditional knowledge that people follow are some the Important factors that result in the uniqueness of the Product.

Each and every state has one or more geographical Indications tagged products listed in Geographical Indications registry, till date there are 326 registered Geographical Indications registered in India, among all the states in India, Karnataka states first in the list of highest number of GI tagged products.

Following are the list of Geographical Indications tagged  Products from Karnataka:

  • Sandur Lambani Embroidery
  • Kinhal Toys
  • Karnataka Bronzeware
  • Ganjifa Cards of Mysore
  • Navalgund Durries
  • Guledgudd Khana
  • Udupi Sarees
  • Mysore Silk
  • Bidriware 
  • Channapatna Toys & Dolls
  • Mysore Rosewood Inlay
  • Kasuti Embroidery
  • Mysore Traditional Paintings
  • Ilkal Sarees
  • Molakalmuru Sarees
  • Devanahalli Pomello
  • Appemidi Mango
  • Kamalapur Red Banana
  • Byadagi Chilli 
  • Udupi Mattu Gulla Brinjal
  • Bangalore Blue Grapes 
  • Bangalore Rose Onion
  • Coorg Orange
  • Mysore Betel leaf
  • Nanjanagud Banana
  • Mysore Jasmine
  • Udupi Jasmine
  • Hadagali Jasmine
  • Monsooned Malabar Arabica Coffee
  • Monsooned Malabar Robusta Coffee
  • Coorg Green Cardamom
  • Mysore Sandalwood Oil 
  • Mysore Sandal soap 



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