Khola Chilli and Idu Mishmi Textiles : Two New GIs

Khola Chilli and Idu Mishmi Textiles are the two news Geographical Indications Products of India, Number of Registered GIs is raised to 357 in India as on 27.08.2019.

Khola Chilli :  356th Geographical Indications Product.

Khola Chilli is an Agricultural Product from Goa .

Uniqueness : 

Khola-Chillies have the highest color value and stand deep red in color on maturity. Khola chillies are not too pungent.

The famous restaurants and papad makers preferring the Khola chilli because of color and taste.

Idu Mishmi Textiles:   357th Geographical Indications Product.

Registered Under Textiles Category,


Idu Mishmi Textiles can be described as, the hand loom goods woven by Idu Mishmi tribal women living in Dibang Valley.

The patterns are inspired by the nature. The motifs with small and big diamonds are woven one inside the other which create intricate patterns. Rows of opposed triangle meeting at tips and forming lozenge between them are the common features.


  1. Wow! your blog post is awesome and informative and i really liked it. I want to share information about GI registration to identify agricultural, natural or manufactured goods and special quality or reputation or other characteristics. Again Thanks for sharing this post.


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