Palani Panchamirtham , Tawlhlohpum, Mizo Puanchei, Tirur Betal Leaf - Four New GIs in India

Geographical Indications (GIs) Products Count raised to 353 in India. Four New products secured GI tag Status; Two textile products from Mizoram, One agricultural Product from Kerala and one Food Stuff from Tamilnadu State.

Following are the New Geographical Indication Products : 

350th GI product of India  : Palani Panchamirtham
351st  GI product  of India : Tawlhlohpum (Textile )
352nd GI product of India  :  Mizo Puanchei (Textile)
353rd GI product of India :   Tirur Betel Leaf .

1.  Palani Panchamirtham : 

Goods Category  : Food Stuff 

Geographical Area : Tamilnadu


Uniqueness: Palani Panchamirtham has got its own unique identity. The consistency taste and flavor are typical characteristics of palani Abisega panchamirtham prepared by the Temple Administration.

2. Tawlhlopum : 

Goods Category  : Textiles  

Geographical Area :  Mizoram 

Applicant :  Art and Culture Department, Government of Mizoram

Uniqueness:  Towlhloh in Mizo language means 'to stand firm or not to move backward, lt was worn only by a very courageous warrior among the Mizo men as a symbol for their bravery.The breadth wise bands of stripes ln Tawlhlohpuon is so woven that none of the colored yarns on the warp are allowed to make their appearance against the red and white bands.

3. Mizo Puanchei : 

Goods Category  : Textiles  

Geographical Area :  Mizoram 

Applicant :  Art and Culture Department, Government of Mizoram

Uniqueness:  Puanchei is a completely woven textile,  It is woven on a traditional loin loom. The uniqueness, of the Puanchei lies mainly or, its design and usage. It is the most colorful among the Mizo textiles. The woolen bands which runs crosswise in Puanchei is so woven that none of the colored yarns on the warp are allowed to make their appearance against the black and deep red woolen bands.

4. Tirur Betel Leaf : 

Goods Category  : Agricultural   

Geographical Area :  Kerala 

Applicant :  Tirur Vettila Ulpadaka Sangam


Tirur betel leaf has significantly high content of total chlorophyll and protein in fresh leaves than Muvattupuzha cultivar.

Eugenol is the major essential oil in betel leaf adding to pungency.

High eugenol content gives better anti fungal and antioxidant properties to Tirur betel leaf compared to local cultivar.

ln Kerala, Malappuram district is well known for betel leaf cultivation.

Betel leaf is traditionally known to be useful for the treatment of various diseases like bad breath, boils and abscesses, conjunctivitis, constipation, headache, swelling of gum, rheumatism, abrasion, cuts and injuries etc

Betel leaf is often called as "Green Gold of lndia".


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